Warranty & Care
Custom Doorcraft warrants that its products will be free from defect in workmanship and material for one year from date of shipment. The beauty of natural wood does allow for limited amounts of natural characteristics of wood to show.
Custom Doorcraft will not be liable for any damages caused by improper handling, storage or installation of our product. This warranty covers only the replacement of our product as ordered by the customer, and the shipping charges from Custom Doorcraft.
Warping of 1/8” on doors up to 25” wide x 48” high and 1/4”on doors up to 25” wide x 72” high is not considered a defect.
Any product with a panel over 24” wide will carry no warranty.
Custom Doorcraft may choose not to warrant certain specialty items requested by the customer.
Sanding Information

At Custom Doorcraft we recognize the importance of proper sanding. All of our products are run through our triple head wide belt sander. Doors come through with minimal wide belt scratches which need to be sanded out before finishing.
For optimum finish, request polish sanding, which means we sand the product by hand using a 5” orbital sander with 150 grit paper to remove all wide belt scratches.
Polish sanding will incur an additional charge.
All Doors with a profile on the face, or with applied moldings protruding past the face of the door will be polish sanded automatically. For those doors the polish sand price is already added to the original cost.
Custom Doorcraft does not consider any of our products to be stain ready, polish sanded or not, and does not warrant any stain related issues due to sanding. It is the customers’ responsibility to insure that each piece be sanded to their specifications. Even if polish sanding has been requested, we still recommend lightly sanding each piece prior to staining to ensure consistency with the way the rest of the cabinet is sanded.
Wood Door Storage Information
Because most hardwoods are open grained, solid wood doors will expand and contract with changes in humidity and temperature, even after protective finished had been applied. Care in controlling the environment will help minimize minor cracking and warping that is a natural part of the wood’s character.
Indoor humidity should be kept in the 35%-45% range to minimize these effects. If the humidity exceeds the ideal range, solid wood doors can expand or contract which may cause the frame to split or the panel to crack. Light is also an aging factor and care should be taken to store wood products in a dark dry environment - away from attics and basements.